Office 365 nonprofit techsoup software

Discover the benefits of moving to office in the cloud. Office 365 support services for nonprofits techsoup. A techsoup email i got said you can request up to 50 licenses of each microsoft desktop software product within a twoye. Provides cloudbased access to office applications with email, instant messaging, hd video conferencing, and 1 tb personal file storage and sharing. Techsoup canada technology for nonprofits and charities. Review frequently asked questions regarding microsoft nonprofit software and. Under the office 365 for nonprofits program, eligible nonprofit organizations may qualify for one of the following office 365 offers as a free donation or at a discounted. Microsoft 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup slovenija. How do i apply for the microsoft nonprofit programs available to my organization. There are, however, significant differences between them. Microsoft 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup. Expertled tech training designed for nonprofits and libraries. Office 365 nonprofit is available for charities and nonprofits in canada.

The vlsc website allows you to obtain installation keys, download software, order installation cds, and receive other benefits that are included with your microsoft donation. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscriptions wacsi techsoup. Eligible nonprofits and charities can receive donated and discounted subscriptions to office 365 through techsoup. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup canada cart or go through the techsoup canada checkout process. Office applications that are version 2019 or later must be installed using microsoft clicktorun technology instead of the traditional windows installer msi technology.

Microsoft 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup romania. All basic features of microsoft office with unlimited users plus fully installed office applications with access and many other features including skype for business. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription itportal stifter. Office 365 nonprofit nonprofit tools dotorgstrategy. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup. Techsoup has developed a list of consultants experienced in helping nonprofits and charities understand whether office 365 nonprofit is right for them. Find out how office 365 nonprofit is a perfect fit for nonprofit. Religious 501c3 organizations can now receive microsoft donations from techsoup, as well as donations of office 365 directly from microsoft. Learn about office web apps, hosted email, document sharing, and other benefits provided by office 365 in this techsoup article. How to get nonprofit office 365 cloud subscriptions slideshare. Techsoup will help you plan, set up, and migrate from your current email service provider to office 365. The microsoft digital skills center for nonprofits combines great skillbuilding content from subject matter experts at microsoft with techsoup s deep understanding of how nonprofits use technology.

If we assign all of our nonprofit portal licences will it let us add new ones for free like it did with office e1. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup south africa cart or go through the techsoup. Techsoup makes more than 400 technology donations, discounts, and services available to nonprofits, foundations, and libraries. Box is an online filesharing, content management, and collaboration service. Office 365 is the most popular cloud software available through techsoup. Techsoup supports nonprofits, charities and libraries by providing access to donations and discount rates on software, hardware and services from major brands. Oct 18, 2018 if youre involved in a nonprofit organization that has technology needs, techsoup provides deeply discounted software and services. Local microsoft offices also regularly hold training events to help nonprofits. Learn how a move to the cloud might streamline your organizations work, what things to consider before switching, and what the latest offers are from microsoft for the nonprofit. From operating systems to office productivity suites to graphic design software.

Eligible nonprofits and charities can receive donated and discounted subscriptions to office 365 through techsoup south africa. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup singapore. Nonprofit customers should use the standard support channel for office 365. Moving to office 365 can help nonprofits dramatically increase their productivity, ability to collaborate, and security. For over 30 years, weve worked with nonprofits all over the world to help them get the most from the technology. Jeff porten is a fan, but he found that signing up for and making good use of techsoup requires some effort. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup romania. Inkluderet er windows 10 enterprise styrsystemet og skrivebordsversioner af office 365 e3 and e5 programmer, som kan downloades. Eligible nonprofits and charities can receive donated and discounted subscriptions to office 365 through techsoup asia. Most suitable for small and midsized nonprofits with up to 300 users that need windows and office desktop applications.

Techsoup singapore the technology place for nonprofit. We will take you through planning and migration to office 365. Fornisci al personale della tua organizzazione no profit una serie affidabile di servizi web basati sul cloud, tra cui email, collaborazione ai documenti, calendari. You can still supplement these cloud plans with traditional onpremises software through techsoup. Login to office 365 and click on the admin icon on the left hand menu, look for purchase services and click on it scroll to the bottom of the page, look for office 365 nonprofit e1, and click buy now. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup asia cart or go through the techsoup. Recommended for nonprofits that need office desktop applications but dont need hosted email and calendars. Through your techsoup account, youll be able to access a variety of antivirus software fit for both individual computers, or an entire network. To find out if your organization is eligible to receive donated and discounted versions of office 365 nonprofit, visit the microsoft office 365 nonprofit site. Solved what is the office 365 nonprofit portal licence. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup canada. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup cart or go through the techsoup. Nov 14, 2014 microsoft office 365 for nonprofit organizations american technology services november 14, 2014 comment if youre a charitable organization, you are probably familiar with the concept of receiving donations for microsoft software via techsoup one of the most common ways for nonprofits to acquire business software at low costs. Techsoup s office 365 support services are specifically for nonprofits to help them adopt office 365 more effectively.

Plus, with outlook, skype, sharepoint, and onedrive, everyone can stay. For your basic needs, check out nortons 1year security subscription to provide for your organization, the ability to secure over 5 different devices simultaneously. Microsoft 365 businessnow available free for up to 10 users. Oltre 200 prodotti hardwaresoftware e risorse tecnologiche donate alle organizzazioni non profit eleggibili dai partner donatori di techsoup. Microsoft office for nonprofit microsoft community. Office 2019 download and installation has changed please note that all office 2019 suites and. Microsoft software donation program techsoup suomi. Join techsoup, microsoft, and tech impact for a onehour webinar to introduce office 365 for nonprofits. Office 365 is the first major cloudbased productivity service to use security frameworks based on iso 27001 standards verified by an independent auditor. To supplement these free office 365 plans, you can request the latest version of office through techsoup south africa.

It assigns it to every user we add but when we revoke the licence nothing appears to happen. Eligible nonprofits and charities can receive discounted subscriptions to office 365 through techsoup canada. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup cart or go through the ttexchange checkout process. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup slovenija. We offer discounted and donated industryleading solutions for nonprofits. Techsoup services expert team helps you implement and optimize office 365. Does this impact the existing microsoft software donations program at techsoup. May 31, 2018 office 365 nonprofit business essentials maximum 300 users office 365 nonprofit e1 unlimited users these are free plans that do not provide the full installed version of office word, excel, powerpoint, and so on.

How can my organization benefit from using office 365. Provide team members with free email and online document. Empower staff and volunteers to succeed with the dynamic set of tools included in our office 365 nonprofit plans. Most suitable for large nonprofits with more than 2,000 users that need office desktop applications. I spent pretty much the whole day exploring the use of office 365 for the milk mob, including 2 hours wtech. Our nonprofit organization currently uses a paid subscription of office 365 business essentials. Microsoft 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup canada. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup bulgaria. Techsoups office 365 support services are specifically for nonprofits to help them adopt office 365. You dont need to add anything to your techsoup cart or go through the charity digital exchange checkout process.

Office standard 20 is available to eligible nonprofits for an admin fee of r248. We will take you through planning, email migration, file sharing, collaboration, compliance and security, and ongoing support. Techsoup offers experienced consulting and migration services to help you move to office 365s sharepoint application which lets you easily, backup, share and coedit documents and files internally. Con techsoup sono disponibili oltre 200 prodotti hardwaresoftware e. This includes churches, synagogues, and missions with a focus on worship and evangelism. Available as a donation to qualifying nonprofit, office 365 provides anywhere access to. For a more indepth look at the available products and their features, see the office 365 nonprofit and g suite pricing comparisons, as well as this handy techsoup video designed to help you select the right office 365 licenses. You dont need to add anything to your cart or go through the techsoup checkout process. Microsoft provides donated and discounted services to eligible nonprofits. Microsoft 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup bulgaria. To find out if your organization is eligible to receive donated and discounted versions of office 365 nonprofit, visit the microsoft. Microsoft nonprofit offers have different restrictions depending on whether the product is donated or discounted. Getting the most out of sharepoint in microsoft office 365. From office software to accounting tools, see whats available.

Office 365 nonprofit in canada microsoft community. Techsoup services expert team will help you implement and optimize office 365 a package of powerful cloudbased email and office applications. I thought my data would revert back to my office professional 2010. Your vlsc account is separate from your techsoup account, and techsoup has no access to it. Today is the last day of the trial office 365 apparently when i can use the data i created. Techsoup sees many benefits of office 365 for nonprofits, based on our. Microsoft 365 business and enterprise plans are available for nonprofits. Most suitable for large nonprofits with more than 300 users that do not need office desktop applications. Subscriptions can provide the visio desktop application, access to the webbased visio application, support for diagrams that meet industry standards, 2 gb onedrive storage, collaboration tools, and more. What you need to know about microsoft office 365 nonprofit. The requirements are listed under office 365 plans for business, education, and overnment. Heres a quick overview of just some of the best nonprofit fundraising products we offer to support nonprofits. Techsoups office 365 support services are specifically for nonprofits to help them adopt office 365 more effectively.

Nonprofit eligibility and discounts microsoft for nonprofits. Microsoft aligns its software donations program with the global giving priorities of the company, and occasionally makes adjustments to its program to. Office 365 how the techsoup cloud service provider reseller program can. I have received dire warnings to my email about backing up data. Under the hood, the platform supports mobile devices, omnichannel marketing, and predictive analytics. Volumelicensed desktop versions of microsoft office requested through techsoup are not compatible with retail or clicktorun versions of office software, such as office 365. Techsoup offers a variety of donated and discounted fundraising products through our marketplace, and through our consultant connection, you can find someone to help you choose the right software. Nonprofit registration and office 365 setup for up to 25 users in your organization if your requirements exceed this, please contact us so we can best configure a plan to support your needs access to microsoft digital skills center courses for key office 365 applications and features including teams, powerpoint, excel, and word. We leverage our extensive nonprofit technology experience with reliable and professional implementation partners to help your organization.

Microsoft 365 nonprofit business free for first 10 licenses. Securely run and grow your nonprofit with an integrated solution purpose built for small and midsized organizations. You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a microsoft agent or microsoft employee and that the phone number is an official microsoft global customer service number. Microsoft office 365 nonprofit gives you the full capabilities and secure environment of installed software along with the collaborative, anywhere, anytime availability of the cloud. Office 365 subscriptions can include access to office desktop applications, hosted email, online file storage, and collaboration tools. Microsoft 365 is built with mobility in mind, and all of your office documents are kept up to date and accessible from anywhere. Office 365 small and medium business plans are now microsoft 365 small. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup south africa. Frequently asked questions microsoft for nonprofits.

Microsoft office 365 for nonprofits allows you to have both. To find out if your organization is eligible to receive donated and discounted versions of office 365 nonprofit. Email migration and office 365 implementation are a snap with techsoup. If you need help with microsoft cloud solutions that youve received through techsoup, let us know. Eligible nonprofit organisations can now receive donated and newly discounted versions of office 365 tailored especially for nonprofits. Jul 27, 2016 tech support scams are an industrywide issue where scammers trick you into paying for unnecessary technical support services. Windows 10 pro with windows 10 business addon included. Techsoup is a trusted partner for 501c3 nonprofits and public libraries, and one of the biggest names in nonprofit software and technology. Microsoft offers donated and discounted products for eligible nonprofit organizations, including cloud services like office 365, azure and dynamics 365, surface hardware, and onpremises software.

Office 365 charity digital exchange donated software for charities. Acrobat pro 2017 for windows french adobe acrobat pro 2017 is publishing software. Offer set what is the office 365 for nonprofits program. How do i add my techsoup token to current nonprofit e3 trial. Keep in touch and stay productive with teams and office 365, even when youre working remotely. Local microsoft offices also regularly hold training events to help nonprofits better use technology and learn how technology. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup south africa cart or go through the techsoup south africa checkout process. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup portugal. Most suitable for small and midsized nonprofits with up to 300 users that need a windows upgrade and office desktop applications. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup south.

Techsoup can support nonprofits with implementation services for office 365, windows azure, box storage, tableau, voip, cloud databases and much more. Makaia joined the techsoup global network in 20 to provide a validation service for microsofts office 365 for nonprofits applicants in a number of latin american countries. We would like ms to convert our current office 365. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup cart or go through the techsoup checkout process. If needed, your nonprofit can request the following latest versions of office through techsoup.

Do more good and create more impact with office 365. Seattlebased nonprofit publisher braided river has published books, media campaigns, and other materials to support conservation projects using donated software obtained through techsoup. Microsoft is dedicated to making the benefits of worldclass cloud technology accessible and affordable for nonprofits. Clicktorun technology is the same technology that is used to install the office applications that are included with office 365. Office 365 and microsoft 365 provide a fully integrated set of tools that support your organizations basic operations in one solution. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your techsoup cart or go through the checkout process. The donation office 365 nonprofit e1 offer does have a cap on the number of. For over 30 years, weve worked with nonprofits all over the world to help them get the most from the technology they need to carry out their missions. Click get this offer to get started you dont need to add anything to your cart or go. Subscriptions provide cloudbased identity and security services that help manage and protect your organizations users, devices, apps, and data. Microsoft partners with techsoup and their worldwide network of partners to validate your organizations eligibility for nonprofit.

Discover how the builtin security features of microsoft office 365. If youre thinking of migrating to office 365, schedule a free migration consultation with us. Microsoft provides nonprofits and libraries with a maximum allotment of product donations that can be requested per twoyear cycle. For subscriptions that include office desktop applications, see microsofts system requirements for office page. Hello, i have been getting different messages regarding the price for a nonprofit for office 365. I purchased one license for microsoft office 2010 for my nonprofit agency through techsoup, and signed up at volume licensing to be able to purchase more licenses as we grew our agency now i am hearing since i only purchased one license i have to wait a year before i am eligible to buy more licenses for my new staff through techsoup. The last polar bear, one of their recent projects highlighting the impact of climate change, reached more than 26 million people. Microsoft 365 nonprofit cloud subscription charity digital. Eligible nonprofits and charities can receive donated and discounted subscriptions to office 365 through techsoup west africa. Visio online is cloudbased diagramming and visualization software. You will need to be a global administrator to associate your account. Discover the benefits of moving to office in the cloudmicrosoft office 365 nonprofit gives you the full capabilities and secure environment of installed software along with the collaborative, anywhere. Office 365 nonprofit cloud subscription techsoup estonia.

Techsoup is a trusted partner for 501 c 3 nonprofits and public libraries, and one of the biggest names in nonprofit software and technology. We just received techsoup validation and token for our nonprofit status. Have you heard about microsoft office 365 and are ready to use. The software is built on the microsoft dynamics 365 crm platform so that it has the microsoft user interface, including office and outlook. Microsoft works with its software donation partner techsoup global to determine if a nonprofit fits its broad eligibility requirements. Techsoup and its international network of 65 other partner organizations help. Business productivity and collaboration tools not included with certain subscriptions. Office 365 and g suite are two excellent productivity tools, and your nonprofit can get donated versions of both through techsoups marketplace. Take a selfguided tour to experience all the productivity and security capabilities. Most suitable for nonprofits with more than 300 users that need windows, office desktop applications, a phone system, and advanced enterpriselevel security.

Microsoft partners with techsoup and their worldwide network of partners to validate your organizations eligibility for nonprofit offers from microsoft. Microsoft office 365 for nonprofits techsoup south africa. Convert existing office 365 subscription to nonprofit. Office desktop applications for pc and mac included, with apps. All e1 features of microsoft office with unlimited users plus fully installed office applications with access. Microsoft 365 nonprofit business free for first 10 licenses, additional users. Get deep discounts on technology for your nonprofit.